Sunday, June 20, 2021

Reference 6SE Line-Stage PreAmplifiers

 After some investigation, JVS found  that the REF 6SE was very sensitive to  system tuning. “The essential building  blocks the components remain unchanged, but the context in which they are presented brings out their magic,”  he wrote, adding “What was formerly  ‘really good hi-fi’ blossoms into an  audiophile bouquet.” Once his system  had been optimized.

 JVS was able to  conclude that the Audio Research REF  6SE “is a bouquet with a fragrance all  condition the AC for the power amplifiers, the system to audition  the REF 6SE had nothing in common with Jason’s. Digital bits were  converted to analog with a network connected MBL N31 processor, which  was connected to the Audio Research  with 2m lengths of Audio Quest Wild  Blue balanced cable. The preamplifier’s balanced output was connected  to the two Parasound Halo JC 1+  monoblock amplifiers with 3m lengths  of Wild Blue interconnect. 

Loudspeakers were either my long-term  reference KEF LS50s or new samples  its own, one that you may  well find irresistibly seductive. If you want to hear all it  has to offer, pay particular attention to context, and give it  all the attention it deserves.”

Given the unevenness of   reviewing experience, Editor Jim Austin felt  that a second opinion was  called for. Accordingly, Audio  Research shipped the review  sample, serial number 52307,  back to Stereophile so could  take a listen.

The REF 6SE’s balanced output  impedance was 669 ohms at 1kHz and  20kHz, rising to 1394 ohms at 20Hz.  There were thus no compatibility  issues with the Parasound amplifiers,  which have a balanced input impedance of 92k ohms at low and middle  frequencies, and 89k ohms at the top  of the audio band.

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